Probably. Here's our criteria to apply:
We're really not that concerned about your grades. If you've got a couple of letters of recommendation and can complete the application, that'll matter more to us than how you do in school.
It'll be hard, no doubt. But we're here to support you. You'll have plenty of time to ask questions in a safe environment. We want you to learn, we were beginners before and we know it can take a few passes to actually get something.
Look, if you get into the program, that'll show that we have faith in you -- you can count on that.
At a high level, you'll learn how to build websites. You'll learn how the web works. If we're getting into the nitty-gritty, you'll be learning things like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Wordpress. You'll learn how to use tools like Git and FTP. If time allows we'll even get into databases. If all this doesn't mean anything to you, don't worry -- it will.
Learning these skills isn't just important for your future; it's important for our country's future. If we want America to stay on the cutting edge, we need young Americans like you to master the tools and technology that will change the way we do just about everything. That's why I'm asking you to get involved.
Don't just buy a new videogame; make one. Don't just download the latest app; help design it. Don't just play on your phone; program it. No one's born a computer scientist, but with a little hard work and some math and science, just about anyone can become one.
— President Barack Obama
Highlander has helped me by strengthening my teamwork, leadership, and social skills. It has also taught me some new skills that I didn't know before, such as website building and networking skills.
For you Highlander students next year, I would really take this opportunity seriously and learn as much as you possibly can in that time. It will give you a large step ahead of others your age in every career area, not just programming.
It has impacted nearly every aspect of my year so far. First off, it gave me a really solid foundation to learning more about programming, and it gave me the tools and ability to expand even more. It also taught me about collaboration with others, and how to work and agree on ideas as a whole. Presenting our projects was also a great experience, and helped me with social skills. Learning basics of programming also gives you a whole new mindset, you begin to look at things differently. Even if you don't go into programming as a career, it can help you problem solve in any over career.
OCSH not only taught me programming but it helped me gain skills and have experiences that many teenagers never have or will. By visiting the countless businesses and having people currently in the field come talk to us, I feel as if I gained a much better idea of what it takes to become successful. In addition, being surrounded by other like-minded individuals in the program made me push myself and want to become not only a better programmer, but also to give 110% in every aspect of my life.OCSH is not only a great experience, but it introduced me to something that I hope becomes my career someday in the near future.